Wednesday, December 27, 2017

coming “soon” use my husband’s very loose interpretation of the word “soon”

Remember that time I said I was starting a blog and the very next day I bought a new business? Life happens. The world keeps spinning. And somehow the day-to-day minutiae mixed in with the major life events just seem to take up every single minute of every single day.

But I told myself I was going to do this, so I’m here to say I’m not gone. The last several days have been spent making Little Miss a adventure that I already know is a blog post of its own in the making.

So, stay tuned....more to come....”soon”.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

the beginning

Here's to beginning new projects!! I always seem to have several going on, so it seemed high time I started talking about them instead of just clogging up my iphone's photo stream with pictures of various stages of completion.  I have several creative endeavors I've been working on lately, so I definitely have a few blog posts already in store, just waiting to be written up.

But for now, just a quick greeting as I work on getting everything up and running: Hi! I'm Abbey! And as my loves-to-state-the-obvious 2yo old would say, HERE I AM!
