
Once upon a time I used to pour out my thoughts on a practically daily basis and send them into the great, wide out there of the internet.  I've been focused elsewhere for awhile, but it seemed like an endeavor worth resurrecting. So, voila! The "love grows" blog is born!

I'm Abbey. I'm into a lot of things and don't seem to feel right if I don't have some kind of project going on.  Lately I'm all about décor & diy projects around our home, with some fun travels and a lot of sassy toddler thrown into the mix.

Which brings me to Elle, the young, wild, & free.  A total sweetheart when she wants to be, often too clever for her own good, and fiercely independent.  She's an enthusiastic little handful, and (most of the time) I wouldn't want her any other way. 

The Mister of the family is called Donnie, and we're pretty fond of him.  He works super hard and families just as hard when he's home with us.  He and I have been together for ten years, married for six.  I've always known he was a keeper, but seeing him as a daddy seriously melts my heart and little miss E just adores him.

Our menagerie includes two little dogs - Sophie (yorkie/maltese mix) & Lucy (yorkie), a beautiful black cat - Dahlia, and a blue betta fish named Stitch.  All ladies except for Stitch, who I joke makes Donnie feel a little less outnumbered.

And that's the quick rundown on the cast of characters.  Special guest appearances will surely also be made, but I'll try to explain them as I go.  So I guess that's all for now.. as E would say, Happy Day!


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